Taste the Best of Sri Lanka: 10 Must-Try Sri Lankan Dishes

Written by Ruwani Madushani | Created on 5th Jan 2023

Sri Lankan cuisine is a delicious blend of Indian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Malaysian influences. From spicy curries and savory hoppers to creamy coconut sambols and sweet desserts, there's a dish for every taste. Here are 10 must-try Sri Lankan dishes that will transport your taste buds to the tropical island nation

If you're a fan of bold flavors and aromatic spices, you'll love the delicious cuisine of Sri Lanka. Located in the Indian Ocean, this tropical island nation has a long and rich culinary history, influenced by a variety of cultural influences including Indian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Malaysian. From spicy curries and savory hoppers to creamy coconut sambols and sweet desserts, there's a dish for every taste. Here are 10 must-try Sri Lankan dishes that will transport your taste buds to the tropical island nation.

01. Kottu Roti


This hearty dish is a street food staple in Sri Lanka. It's made by shredding roti (a type of flatbread) into small pieces and stir-frying it with a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, eggs, chicken, or beef. The mixture is then spiced with a blend of aromatic herbs and spices, resulting in a flavorful and satisfying meal.




02. Curry


Curry is a staple of Sri Lankan cuisine, and you'll find a wide variety of curries on offer, ranging from mild to fiery hot. Common ingredients include coconut milk, curry leaves, and a blend of spices such as coriander, cumin, and turmeric. You'll find curries made with a variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables, as well as vegetarian options.


03. Hoppers

Hoppers are a type of bowl-shaped pancake made from fermented rice flour and coconut milk. They're often served for breakfast or as a snack, and can be filled with a variety of savory or sweet toppings. Egg hoppers, for example, are filled with a soft-cooked egg, while milk hoppers are served with a drizzle of treacle (a type of syrup).





04. Deviled Dishes

Deviled dishes are spicy Sri Lankan dishes that are typically made with meat or seafood and a blend of aromatic spices. The word "deviled" refers to the spicy, fiery nature of the dish, which is achieved by using a generous amount of chili flakes or hot sauce.





05. Rice and Curry

Rice and curry is a classic Sri Lankan meal, typically consisting of a mound of white rice served with a selection of curries and side dishes. The curries can be made with a variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables, and are flavored with a blend of aromatic spices.






06. Kool

Kool is a refreshing drink made from coconut water, milk, and a variety of aromatic spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. It's often served as a thirst-quencher during the hot Sri Lankan summers.





07. Sambol

Sambol is a type of condiment made from grated coconut and a blend of spices such as chili flakes, lime juice, and salt. It's typically served as a side dish with rice and curry, and adds a delicious creamy and spicy kick to the meal.








08. Kiribath

Kiribath, also known as milk rice, is a popular Sri Lankan dish made from cooked rice and coconut milk. It's often served as a breakfast dish, and can be flavored with a variety of ingredients suchas pandan leaves, cardamom, and raisins. It's also a traditional dish served during celebrations and festivals.





09. Wambatu Moju

Wambatu moju is a delicious Sri Lankan dish made from boiled and then fried eggplant. The eggplant is first boiled until tender, then sliced and fried until golden brown. It's then flavored with a sweet and spicy sauce made from tamarind, jaggery (a type of unrefined sugar), and a blend of spices.






10. Wattalapam


Wattalapam is a rich and creamy dessert made from coconut milk, jaggery, eggs, and a blend of aromatic spices such as cardamom, cloves, and nutmeg. It's often served during special occasions and celebrations, and has a smooth and velvety texture.

With its diverse and flavorful dishes, Sri Lankan cuisine is a treat for the taste buds. Whether you're a fan of spicy curries or sweet desserts, you're sure to find a dish that will satisfy your cravings. So next time you're looking to try something new, give these delicious Sri Lankan dishes a try.